Full Name
Ms Tetiana Kulesha
Job Title
Chairman of the board
NGO "Rare Diseases of Ukraine"
Speaker Bio
Tatiana was born and lives in Kyiv. From 1989 to 1994 she studied at the Kyiv Pedagogical
Institute and from 1996-1998 at the Institute for Professional Upgrading of Teachers. Since May
2006 she has been the Executive Director of the All-Ukrainian NGO “Association of Disabled
People with MPS”. She has a personal connection with this disease. Specifically, her son, Dmytro
Kulesha, is a patient who suffers from MPS type 6. As the Board Chairman of the NGO “Rare
Diseases of Ukraine”, she is the organizer and a regular speaker in all the events, which Rare
Diseases holds, as well as being an advocate for the rights of Rare Diseases patients at the
government level.
Tetiana Kulesha