Full Name
Mme Ana Rath
Job Title
Speaker Bio
Ana Rath is a medical doctor with a background in general surgery and a Masters degree in Philosophy. She oriented her career to medical information and terminologies in 1997 and joined Orphanet (www.orpha.net) in 2005, where she was Manager of the Orphanet Encyclopaedia, then Scientific Director, and Director of Orphanet and Coordinator of the Orphanet network since 2014. Ana was the coordinator of RD-ACTION, the EU Joint Action for rare diseases (2015-2018) and of the IRDiRC’s Scientific secretariat until 2017. She chairs the Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology (ORDO), and was member of the WHO’s ICD11 Revision Steering Committee. She coordinates projects on implementation of RD codification in EU member states (RD-CODE and currently OD4RD) and co-chairs the EJP RD Pillar 2 on data and resources ecosystem for RD research in Europe.
Ana Rath